
Reviews 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00

“Feedback has become one of those areas of business, much like the dreaded networking, that we all know we should do more of, or work harder at, but frankly can’t quite face it. So here’s something we can all do something about: read The Feedback Book – practice, repeat. There, that wasn’t so hard was it??’

Clear, compelling and concise; The Feedback Book has a wealth of accessible, practical and effective tips for everyone dealing with this potent but sometimes painful area of business-life and self-development – feedback!”

Jo Hagger, Learning and Development Business Partner, Google

“A must read for anyone responsible for managing people’s development. The practical advice found in The Feedback Book will give every reader the tools to motivate and develop their team every day.”

Luke Bozeat, Joint Managing Director, MediaCom London

“The Feedback Book is inspiring.  As Dawn reminds us, feedback is a gift when delivered in a considered, clear and actionable way.  Follow her incisive, practical tips and stand back as the positive outcomes come pouring in.”

Elizabeth Kuhnke, Author of “Communication Skills For Dummies” and Executive Coach

“The Feedback Book is a useful, practical guide. I think someone who was new to managing people, or not confident and clear about what is expected of them in that capacity would find lots of useful tips and approaches in here.”

Neil Christie, Managing Director, Wieden + Kennedy London
“Giving good, constructive and regular feedback is like oxygen to people management and we all perhaps assume that doing it well is as natural as breathing. This book shows how much we need to learn and how businesses and the people within them can improve in this vital and neglected area of management”.
Stephen Woodford, Chairman, Lexis and Business Advisor