The Feedback Book refers to research that supports the need for employees at all levels to give and get more feedback, more often. You can access the research here via these links.
Accenture’s “Goodbye Annual Performance Appraisals” makes the case for managing performance more frequently and with greater agility than provided by the traditional annual appraisal.
Investors in People (IiP)’s “Job Exodus Trends” explores the extent to which people are unhappy in their jobs, and what the main causes are.
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)’s “Employee Outlook” reports (produced with Halogen Software) provide a twice-yearly barometer on employees’ points of view and job satisfaction. The spring 2016 survey shows a “worrying drop in job satisfaction”.
The psychological and physiological impact of stress at work, including when receiving criticism from managers, is the subject of “WORK STRESS AND HEALTH: the Whitehall II study”, carried out by a team at University College London (UCL) and published by the Civil Service Unions/Cabinet Office