Monthly Archives: June 2017

How do I manage a mate who isn’t pulling their weight?

  This question often comes up in workshops, particularly if the topic is about managing someone’s performance. Work meets a fundamental human need we have to be with other people. We can make lifelong friends at work, meet our flatmates, our future partners. Everyone’s working long hours and the atmosphere’s sociable. But you’ve noticed your [...]

By | 2017-06-29T07:35:06+01:00 June 29th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

Does anyone get straight As from you?

Old-fashioned elementary school report cardImage: @jentara/DepositPhotos Did you ever get this comment in your school reports, “Must try harder.”? I certainly did. With the passing of time and the benefit of hindsight I appreciate the intent and feel less of a sting from the barb, but it can still bring back memories… I [...]

By | 2019-05-27T18:07:15+01:00 June 15th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments