The Feedback Book

About The Feedback Book

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So far The Feedback Book has created 36 blog entries.

Why you will benefit from writing a journal

Image: @ anyaberkut/ DepositPhotos   It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and I’ve already written a post about the psychological benefits and importance of reflective writing and journaling over on Zoomly’s blog. So what’s left to say that’s relevant for The Feedback Book? It’s one thing to pause for thought at the end of the [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 May 11th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

Feedback or coaching – which is best?

You’re entitled to think I’ll say ‘Feedback of course!’ as you’re reading a blog post on The Feedback Book’s website. Or maybe you’re wondering if it’s a trick question. We need to give colleagues feedback - whether the feedback is positive (known as ‘praise’ in plain English) or negative (I like ‘corrective’ as that’s the aim [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 April 28th, 2017|Blog, News|0 Comments

Giving – and getting – pre- and post-training feedback – part II

In last week’s post I talked about the essential steps to take prior to embarking on a professional development programme – including (of course) feedback – for both managers and participants. What role can feedback play in making learning really stick after the programme? If you’re the one who’s completed the training Share your action [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 April 20th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

Who’s on your personal board?

  Just a wild guess – if you’re on this page it just might be because you’re keen to find out more about how to get the best out of yourself and others. And yes, many of the posts on this blog deal with the latter – but what about you? Who can you really [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 April 7th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

10 unlikely places to practise feedback

One of the most common excuses I hear on training workshops about performance management and feedback is ‘I need more practice’. Fair enough. Practice is essential to develop any skill. But if you just wait for ‘the right time’ to happen along - it won’t. So how can you practise your feedback skills and really [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 March 24th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

Help your team give you feedback

As this blog’s all about feedback and managing people well, this includes you getting feedback from your team. Yes, Dear Reader, you need to get feedback as well as give it. And you need to be able to do that without seeming creepy or needy, whining, “but why doesn’t anyone on my team give me [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 March 9th, 2017|Blog|1 Comment

Should you get a mentor?

Sometimes people ask me this question in the same way I’d imagine they ask their friends if they should get a tattoo. Just because your friend’s got one, just because you’ve read a bit about it, and just because they’re out there doesn’t mean you should get a mentor. Not until you can articulate two [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 March 2nd, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

Are you giving feedback to your team – or just labelling them?

  “You’re so inspirational” “She’s so charismatic” "You're not very diplomatic" “He's being constructive” “You’re not proactive enough” “He’s so confident” “You need to be more statesmanlike” Have you ever said any of these things to or about your team members - or had them said to you? What response did these statements elicit? A [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:08+01:00 February 23rd, 2017|Blog|1 Comment

Make feedback part of your leadership brand

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos famously said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Now there’s a thought…What do your colleagues say about YOU when you’re not in the room? If you want to accelerate your career progress, it’s worth investing some time and effort in your personal brand, particularly [...]

By | 2017-05-23T09:28:09+01:00 February 16th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments